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Graphical abstract describing the function of BENC in normal haematopoesis and in Leukemia.

Bahr, C.*, von Paleske, L.*, Uslu, V.V.*, Remeseiro, S., Takayama, N., Ng, S.W., Murison, A., Langenfeld, K., Petretich, M., Scognamiglio, R., Zeisberger, P., Benk, A.S., Amit, I., Zandstra, P.W., Lupien, M., Dick, J.E., Trumpp, A.@, & Spitz, F.@ (2018). A Myc enhancer cluster regulates normal and leukaemic haematopoietic stem cell hierarchies. Nature, 553(7689), 515-520. doi: 10.1038/nature25193 *Shared first author @Shared corresponding author 

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