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Research Group Stem Cells at the Interface of
hematopoiesis, Immunity and Cancer

Simon Haas
Junior Group Leader

Differential expression levels of selected genes as analyzed by microarray analysis 4 days after the first pIpC injection

Laurenti, E., Varnum-Finney, B., Wilson, A., Ferrero, I., Blanco-Bose, W.E., Ehninger, A., Knoepfler, P.S., Cheng, P.F., MacDonald, H.R., Eisenman, R.N., Bernstein, I.D., & Trumpp, A. (2008). Hematopoietic stem cell function and survival depend on c-Myc and N-Myc activity. Cell Stem Cell, 3(6), 611-624. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2008.09.005


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