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Regulatory networks in HSCs and their immediate progeny

Cabezas-Wallscheid, N., Klimmeck, D., Hansson, J., Lipka, D.B., Reyes, A., Wang, Q., Weichenhan, D., Lier, A., von Paleske, L., Renders, S., Wunsche, P., Zeisberger, P., Brocks, D., Gu, L., Herrmann, C., Haas, S., Essers, M.A.G., Brors, B., Eils, R., Huber, W., Milsom, M.D., Plass, C., Krijgsveld, J., & Trumpp, A. (2014). Identification of regulatory networks in HSCs and their immediate progeny via integrated proteome, transcriptome, and DNA methylome analysis. Cell Stem Cell, 15(4), 507-522. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2014.07.005

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