November 07, 2023

Congratulations to Michael Milsom!

With his publication "Inflammatory exposure drives long-lived impairment of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal activity and accelerated aging" in the Journal Cell Stem Cell, Aug 2022, Michael Milsom received the GSCN 2023 Publication of the Year Award. Big…
July 26, 2022

Inflammatory exposure drives long-lived impairment of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal activity and accelerated aging.

Inflammation and infection acutely suppress HSC function however, the long-term ramifications of such challenges are unclear. In this study HI-STEM researchers demonstrate that murine HSCs fail to recover functional potency up to 1 year post…
June 23, 2022

Gesucht wird MTA/BTA (m/w/d)

MTA/BTA (m/w/d) zur Unterstützung unserer Wissenschaftler bei der Durchführung von Projekten zur Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Blut- und Krebsstammzellen gesucht! Qualifikationen Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als MTA oder BTA 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung…
May 05, 2022

How blood stem cells stay intact for a lifetime

Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are responsible for the production of blood and immune cells. Throughout life, HSPCs acquire oncogenic aberrations that can cause hematological cancers. Although molecular programs maintaining stem cell…
May 03, 2022

CRISPR-Cas9 mediated generation of a conditional poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1 (Pabpn1) mouse model reveals an essential role for hematopoietic stem cells

HI-STEM researchers developed an inducible Pabpn1 knockout mouse model, which can be used to study Alternative Polyadenylation. Poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1 (PABPN1) is known for its role in poly(A) tail addition and regulation of poly(A) tail length. In…
April 28, 2022

Perivascular tenascin C triggers sequential activation of macrophages and endothelial cells to generate a pro-metastatic vascular niche in the lungs.

Metastatic breast cancer cells abuse macrophages, a type of immune cell, to promote the settlement of cancer metastases in the lungs. The reprogrammed macrophages stimulate blood vessel cells to secrete a cocktail of metastasis-promoting proteins that are…
April 28, 2022

Tumors on withdrawal: Amino acid deficiency shrinks childhood tumors

Certain childhood tumors have an extreme need for amino acids. We together with scientists at the Hopp Children's Cancer Center Heidelberg (KiTZ), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the University of Heidelberg, have now discovered the molecular…
April 28, 2022

ERC Advanced Grant for Andreas Trumpp

With its "Advanced Grants", the European Research Council ERC supports visionary projects in basic research. This year, the Council awarded Andreas Trumpp with the prestigious research grant. With the project called "SHATTER-AML", Andreas Trumpp wants to…
December 14, 2021

High recognition for Andreas Trumpp

At this year's annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), held December 11-14 in Atlanta, Georgia, Andreas Trumpp delivered the prestigious Ham-Wasserman Lecture. In his lecture, the stem cell researcher reported on differences and…
September 01, 2021

Ferroptosis: Mechanism and Diseases

Hamed Alborzinia from Andreas Trumpp lab and his colleague Andres Florez Amaya of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University, published a book on ferroptosis entitled Ferroptosis: Mechanism and Diseases. Ferroptosis is a specific…
June 10, 2021

Mouse multipotent progenitor 5 cells are located at the interphase between hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Previously, extensive research has focused on hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and distinct multipotent progenitor populations (MPP1-4) contained within the Lin- Sca-1+ c-Kit+ (LSK) compartment. In this new study, researchers around Pia Sommerkamp now…
March 22, 2021

MutaSeq: Single-cell analysis of leukemic stem cells - Cooperation with Velten and Steinmetz Lab published in Nature Communications

A new method called MutaSeq allows stem cells and cancer stem cells to be studied at the single cell level and the resulting cell clones to be traced directly. The method was developed by scientists from HI-STEM, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the…
January 27, 2021

How blood stem cells maintain their lifelong potential for self-renewal - New publication in Nature Communications

A characteristic feature of all stem cells is their ability to self-renew. But how is this potential maintained throughout life? Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental…
November 10, 2020
Isolation of epithelial cells form fresh PDAC patient tissues and normal pancreas for analysis of transcriptome and whole genome methylome. (c): Elisa Espinet

HI-STEM Researchers discover new pancreatic cancer subtypes with different aggressiveness – Publication in Cancer Discovery

In a study led by HI-STEM researcher Elisa Espinet, HI-STEM researchers teamed up with an interdisciplinary group of clinicians, bioinformaticians and biomedical researchers to shed more light on the reasons for the heterogenous aggressiveness of different…
October 23, 2020
Phd Defense of Pia Sommerkamp (middle) with her supervisors Andreas Trumpp and Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid

Pia Sommerkamp receives Wilma-Moser Prize

Pia Sommerkamp, who carried out her PhD at HI-STEM and the Division of Stem Cells and Cancer at the DKFZ until July 2019, has been awarded the Wilma-Moser Prize of Heidelberg University. The award annually honors the youngest female doctoral candidate…
July 28, 2020
8th GSCN Conference - goes virtual

8th GSCN Conference - goes virtual

The German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) aims to foster basic and applied stem cell research in Germany. HI-STEM is happy to forward the invitation by the GSCN to their 8th Annual Conference. The conference will be held from 23 - 25 September 2020 in a virtual…
March 31, 2020

Hidden messages in mRNA transcripts: Alternative polyadenylation (APA) is a novel control mechanism enabling hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) to adapt their activity to emergency situations– new publication in Cell Stem Cell

A team of researchers around Pia Sommerkamp, who carried out her PhD thesis in the HI-STEM lab and now continues as a Postdoc, now reports alternative polyadenylation (APA) as a new layer of gene regulation. In their study, the team, which involved colleagues…
March 24, 2020
Lung metastasis in a breast cancer patient: the arrows indicate fibroblasts (brown) that communicate with metastatic cancer cells. Cell nuclei are stained blue. © Oskarsson, DKFZ/HI-STEM

How tumor cells create a metastatic niche – new work from the Oskarsson lab published in Nature Communications

In order to colonize other organs and grow into metastases, tumor cells that detach from the parent tumor need to manipulate their new microenvironment and create a 'metastatic niche'. Maren Pein and colleagues from the Oskarsson lab within HI-STEM and DKFZ…
March 13, 2020

LeukoSystem: New BMBF-funded eMed Junior Consortium to investigate leukaemia causes and therapies

The LeukoSyStem consortium, which is coordinated by HI-STEM group leader Simon Haas, investigates leukaemia stem cells in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) financially supports this collaboration with…
February 19, 2020
Andreas Trumpp © Jutta Jung/DKFZ

German Cancer Prize Awarded to Andreas Trumpp

On February 19, 2020, Andreas Trumpp, Managing Director of HI-STEM and Division Head at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), will receive the German Cancer Prize in the 'Experimental Research' category for his trailblazing work on identifying cancer stem…
January 07, 2020
Three dimensional segmentation of a bone marrow region. Different niche cells (green and red dots) and blood vessels (grey) are highlighted. | © DKFZ, EMBL and University Hospital Zurich

New paper out on Nature Cell Biology: 3D atlas of the bone marrow - in single cell resolution

The lastest paper from the group of Simon Haas was published by Nature Cell Biology shortly before Christmas last year. This is the result of a great team effort together with colleagues at the DKFZ and HI-STEM. The published methods are able to reveal the…
December 10, 2019
Highly Cited 2019

Andreas Trumpp recognized as Highly Cited Researcher 2019

Andreas Trumpp has been recognized as a "Highly Cited Researcher" by the recently announced Web of Science list for 2019. The list recognizes "the world's most influential researchers of the past decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited…

ÜBERLEBENSSTRATEGIEN: Science Communication Event with colleagues from the Stem Cell SFB (CRC873)

Nov 12, 2019 2647
On November 21, Andreas Trumpp will give a public presentation on "Stem Cells and Cancer"…

Mick elected into representative roles within both EHA and ASH.

Oct 11, 2019 4364
Mick Milsom has recently been elected as a chair of the Molecular Hematopiesis Workshop…

Making cancer stem cells visible to the immune system - New results may enable innovative treatment concept against leukemia (New publication in Nature)

Jul 18, 2019 11307
NK cells (red) attack normal leukemia cells (green). Leukemia stem cells (blue), on the other hand, suppress NKG2DL expression at their surface and thus escape destruction by the immune system. © Schürch/Lengerke, University and University Hospital of Basel
Leukemia stem cells protect themselves against the immune defense by suppressing a target…

Her Honour Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Elizabeth Dowdeswell visits HI-STEM

Jun 05, 2019 6646
On June 4th, as part of her visit of the DKFZ, her Honour Lieutenant Governor of Ontario…

International Symposium FOR 2033: The Hematopoietic Niches; Munich, May 10th-11th, 2019

Apr 11, 2019 5376
Marieke Essers is co-organizing the International Symposium "The Hematopoietic Niches"…

Ten Years of HI-STEM – Founding Team Celebrates Successful Partnership on Cancer Stem Cell Research

Apr 02, 2019 5574
The HI-STEM Founding Team celebrates ten years of successful cooperation: Friedrich von Bohlen, Managing Director dievini Hopp BioTech Holding, Josef Puchta, Administrative Director DKFZ, Heike Bauer, Head Dietmar Hopp Stiftung, Dietmar Hopp Founder and Managing Director Dietmar Hopp Foundation, Andreas Trumpp, HI-STEM Managing Director, Michael Baumann, DKFZ Managing Director, Christof Hettich, Co-Managing Director dievini Hopp BioTech Holding (from left to right) | © Stefan Hebling
Ten years ago, HI-STEM, the Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and…

Cell-culture Medium for pancreatic cancer cells co-developed by Miltenyi Biotec and HI-STEM now on sale

Feb 10, 2019 6982
Based on an ongoing collaboration between HI-STEM and the German Biotech Company Miltenyi…

Congratutions to Dr. Mattia Falcone for sucessfullly defending his PhD Thesis on BCAT1 in Leukemia!

Feb 07, 2019 8201
Congratulazioni Mattia! Want to read more on his work? Here is the main paper of his…

HI-STEM lab visited by Tino Sorge, Member of the German Bundestag

Feb 04, 2019 6923
Today, Tino Sorge has visited the HI-STEM lab as part of the 1st German Cancer Research…

Human blood cells can be directly reprogrammed into neural stem cells - New Publication in Cell Stem Cell

Dec 20, 2018 4333
In the study, which was led by HI-STEM postdoc Marc Thier, we have succeeded for the…