Slide 1
Research Group Normal and Malignant Stem Cells

Andreas Trumpp
Group Leader

Hematopoietic and Leukemic Stem Cells

Display # 
Name Position Phone
Prof. Dr. Andreas TrumppProf. Dr. Andreas Trumpp Head of Division "Stem Cells and Cancer" and Managing Director of HI-STEM +49 6221 42 3901
Dr. Roberto WürthDr. Roberto Würth Team Leader +49 6221 42 3905
Dr. Nesrine ArouaDr. Nesrine Aroua Postdoc +49 6221 42 3905
Dr. Elisa DonatoDr. Elisa Donato Postdoc +49 6221 42 3905
Dr. Eleonora GelliDr. Eleonora Gelli Postdoc +49 6221 423905
Dr. Kim Hoa HoDr. Kim Hoa Ho Postdoc +49 6221 42 3928
Dr. Dawn (Shuiping) LinDr. Dawn (Shuiping) Lin Postdoc +49 6221 42 3905
Dr. Maria PuschhofDr. Maria Puschhof Postdoc
Dr. Sebastiaan SchievenDr. Sebastiaan Schieven Postdoc +49 6221 42 3928
Dr. Alexander WaclawiczekDr. Alexander Waclawiczek Postdoc +49 6221 42 3905
Dr. Jennifer WischhusenDr. Jennifer Wischhusen Postdoc +49 6221 42 3905
Dr. Simon RendersDr. Simon Renders Clinician Scientist +49 6221 42 3923
Dr. Patrick StelmachDr. Patrick Stelmach Clinician Scientist +49 6221 42 3928
Ines BergerweissInes Bergerweiss PhD Student +49 6221 42 3925
Dr. Frank Yi-Tao HuangDr. Frank Yi-Tao Huang MD PhD Student +49 6221 42 3928
Yara LackoushaYara Lackousha PhD Student +49 6221 42 3925
Karolin StumpfKarolin Stumpf PhD Student +49 6221 42 3925
Josipa MiškovićJosipa Mišković Research Assistant +49 6221 42 3915
Sabrina LohrSabrina Lohr Technical Assistant +49 6221 42 3907
Markus SohnMarkus Sohn Technical Assistant +49 6221 42 3925